'People that don't use top sheets are disgusting' experts say

Publish Date
Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 1:03PM
Photo / Getty Images

Photo / Getty Images

The antics of millennials in this day and age are something that is highly criticised and frowned upon by their parents, and every generation that came before them.

Whether this is drinking cold brew coffee, getting smashed avocado for breakfast every morning, or even just turning vegan is enough to infuriate some.

But the latest trend that has ruffled a few feathers is the extinction of the humble top sheet.

A bed is designed to be made with a fitted and a top sheet, this provides maximum cleanliness and keeps both the bed and the duvet clean.

This picture shows how much 'stuff' a person emits each day - including sweat, dead skin, salt and sebum.


Jessica Teich from reviewed.com explains - "All that stuff that happens below the waist [and] up by your head—skincare products, hair care products, ear wax, snot, drool, lots of really gross stuff—is transferred to your sheets."

You also need to wash both of those sheets weekly, as the buildup caused by using the same sheets for a long time can end up being dirtier than not having a top sheet at all. 

So there you have it, you may religiously use both sheets but if you know a millennial or just anyone in general that aren't using both, maybe just give them a friendly reminder of how dirty they are. 

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