Toni, Jase & Sam's Friday Journals

Publish Date
Friday, 19 April 2024, 11:33AM

Each week, Toni, Jase and Sam share their Friday Journals. 

Take a read of them below.



Dear journal,

My poor baby dog Bear swallowed a bee this week and the nasty sting on his tongue required a trip to the emergency vet, and an antihistamine shot and a thorough check to make sure his throat wasn't closing over.

It made me realise how protective I am over my little dog, and how an injury to him was just like an injury to my 5 year old son - it motivated the same primal response, I wanted to cuddle my pup and make it better and I hated seeing him so miserable.

It was a timely reminder of how attached we get to our beloved pets, and how quickly they become part of the family. They're a constant, growing from a pup into a dog, just as my human babies are now all at school.

Bear has been there through all of the stages. I have always loved animals, but I would never have guessed how much comfort a beautiful red cavoodle could bring us.



Hi Journal,

One week of the school holidays done and I've been doing what millions of parents and grandparents and caregivers have done for years and years: juggling work, meetings, exercise and keeping the kids entertained.

Between my Wife and I, both working, we make a pretty good team and have managed the load without a single trip to A & E, household contents claim OR threat to cancel Xmas, and next week we're both taking time off to spend together as a family.

We're catching up with friends, who have similar aged kids, and then staying at my Mum and Dad's home so the kids can have some nice Nana and Poppa time.

They spoil them way too much, but if I'm honest, it's actually ME who gets a big, wide smile on my face every time we're with them.

I saw a beautiful poem a wee while ago that I've never forgotten:

“Love your parents and treat them with loving care. For you will truly know their value when you see their empty chair.”

Nothing feels as good as seeing the pure joy on my parents faces when they hang out with their Grandkids, and I know how lucky I am that I'll get to see that again next week



Dear Journal,

So I booked the family holiday on the wrong week. Just so you know, we have next week off.

But that meant weekend at Waipu camp ground with the family, and commuted the 2 hours north for two days after work to join in.It also meant I had 3 nights at home on my own without our three kids or my wife. I haven’t had time at home alone for years, and I thought I would love it. Peace and quiet. Time to think. 

I didn’t… it felt like my home had no soul.

I literally didn’t know what to do with my self, and I’m sure this is apart of what empty nesters experience. So the lesson is, I can no longer complain about the constant nagging, the endless request to “watch me”, because the truth is… I love it.

A house is not a home - a home is where your family is.

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