Woman Gets Head To Toe Inkings After Being Bullied About Body Scars As A Child

Despite her fear of needles, Brittany Allsop was 16 years old when she got her first tattoo. 

The Newcastle resident ‘begged’ her mother to allow her to get a small cross and rose tattooed on her wrist, and so began a love affair with body art.

The 22-year-old was recently crowned Miss Ink Australia, and said the tattoos were not just art, but a way to cover the scars she was teased for as a child.

‘I used to get picked on when I younger as I had an allergy to mozzie bites,’ she told DMA.

‘On my legs it used to look like chicken pox scars.

‘I used to say I would get tattooed one day and cover my scars.’ 

She hopes to continue her body art and said while there is ‘not much space left’ she planned to get infill work done around the larger pieces.

‘I pretty much want everything covered except my hands, neck and face,’ she said.